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Speeding in Va: An easy traffic ticket to get.

Speeding tickets in Va are extremely easy to get and they are very serious. In Just Fairfax County alone, the police can write about 60-100 speeding tickets in a single day and about 40-50 tickets for reckless driving by speed.

Speeding in Va carry 3 to 6 points. Speeding tickets stay on your record for 5 years. reckless driving is a criminal offense and stays on your criminal record forever. Reckless driving by speed also carries 6 points.

In Virginia, a single speeding ticket comes with a maximum fine of $250. A reckless driving by speed fine can cost as much as $2,500. Both maximum fines can be be doubled in a Highway Safety Corridor or some other special speed zones.

So next time you are visiting the “old dominion” just remember speeding in Va is serious business for our local law enforcement. And if you do get caught (or accused) of speeding in Va call us for a free consultation and we will be happy to explain your options.

Luke J. Nichols

(For more information about speeding in Va, go to

About Luke Nichols

Luke Nichols practices almost exclusively traffic law in Northern Virginia. His primary practice areas include reckless driving, speeding, DUI/DWI, refusal, hit-and-run, driving on a suspended license, and driving on a revoked license. Mr. Nichols has represented hundreds of Virginia drivers. You can also connect with Luke on Google+
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