If you receive a summons for reckless driving, get the best reckless driving attorney you can afford as soon as possible. If you wait too long your ideal attorney may become already booked and unavailable.
Besides, you are going to pay the same price for an attorney no matter when you hire one, so you might as well hire one sooner and get more service for your money. A good reckless driving attorney will help you prepare for trial.
Write a one to two paragraph biography about who you are and give it to your attorney. Your attorney needs this background information to counsel you and to talk to the prosecution intelligently about you.
As soon as you are ticketed, write down all of the details you can remember. Especially:
Do not procrastinate gathering evidence. Typically you will want:
If you are charged with reckless driving by speed you may want to get your speedometer calibrated. If your speedometer is low it can be used as mitigating evidence; if your speedometer is accurate it can aid you in a trial. Most car speedometers are 1-3 mphs low.
Learn more about speedometer calibrations and speedometer calibration locations.
Taking a defensive driving course can be a great help to your case or it can be a big mistake. Talk to one of our local reckless driving attorneys before signing up for any defensive driving courses in order to make sure that you sign up for the right class and that it is the right thing to do for your case. Make sure you have this conversation with you attorney as soon as possible so that you have enough time to complete the class before your trial date without needing a continuance.
Learn more about Virginia Driving Improvement Classes.
If reckless driving results in an injury or destruction of property, the driver, only after talking to his attorney, may want to pay restitution to the other party before trial in order to increase the likelihood of a reduced sentence. However, make sure you consult your attorney first so that you do not inadvertently admit guilt while paying restitution.
Continuances are very important and should never be wasted. Do not put yourself in a position where you or your attorney will have to waste continuances. Gather documents and find a quality reckless driving attorney immediately.
Contact the Reckless Driving Attorneys of Nichols & Green, PLLC today for a free consultation in person or by phone.