If you are a good Virginia driver who pays a very low auto insurance premium, a single speeding ticket can have a severe effect on your auto insurance. Although it is very difficult to predict the exact effect of a Virginia speeding ticket on your insurance, here are some generalities:
When insurance rates are raised they usually remain at heightened levels for either three or five years. That means that if you get a speeding ticket for 75 mph in a 55 mph zone and your insurance goes up $500 a year, then you are looking at either $1500 or $2500 in extra insurance premiums over the next three or five years. That is a very significant cost. Make sure you consider the insurance costs before prepaying a speeding ticket.
If you are a good driver with low insurance rates and you are charged with speeding by more than 15 mph over the limit, you should have an immediate and frank discussion with your insurance provider about the potential effects of conviction.
Nichols & Green, PLLC
10521 Judical Drive
Suite 100
Fairfax, Virginia 22030
Phone: 703-383-9222
Toll free: 800-557-7174
Fax: 703-383-9220
Fairfax County, Fairfax City, Prince William County, Loudoun County, Arlington County, City of Alexandria, Manassas, Manassas Park, Town of Haymarket, City of Vienna, Town of Herndon, Town of Reston, City of Falls Church, and Federal Court (Eastern District of Virginia)