Tag Archives: accident
If you have been charged with following too cloelsy in Virignia under Va. Code 46.2-816 I highly recommend reading the statute. The Statute for following too closely reads… Va. Code § 46.2-816. Following too closely. (The actual statute) “The driver … Continue reading
The courtesy trap is when a driver politely stops and waives you through multiple lanes of traffic only to have you driving in to an oncoming car that is obscured by the misguided but courteous driver. The happens all the … Continue reading
In Virginia, the crime of hit and run (46.2-894, 46.2-895, 46.2-896 and 46.2-897) can be hard to prove for several reason. First, the police do not personally witness most hit and run cases. The police are dependent on witnesses for … Continue reading
Virginia law does not require drivers to carry proof of insurance, nor do you have to show proof of insurance to an officer who pulls you over. The only time a driver must furnish proof to an officer is after … Continue reading